Appendix A — A Sample R Script

This is a sample R script for the steps of analysis found in Chapter 6. Usually, an R script is stored in a text file ending in .R, so this R code could be stored an a text file called myscript.R.

# get the data

load("./simulate-data/MICSsimulated.RData") # data in R format

# data wrangling

labelled::look_for(MICSsimulated) # look at data

mynewdata <- subset(MICSsimulated,
                    select = c(id, country, aggression)) # subset of data

library(labelled) # variable labels

var_label(MICSsimulated$id) <- "id"

var_label(MICSsimulated$country) <- "country"

var_label(MICSsimulated$cd4) <- "explain"

# make variable into factor

MICSsimulated$cd4 <- factor(MICSsimulated$cd4,
                             levels = c(0, 1),
                             labels = c("Did not explain",

# recoding

MICSsimulated$aggression[MICSsimulated$aggression > 1] <- NA # recode > 1 to NA

MICSsimulated$GII[MICSsimulated$GII > 100] <- NA # recode > 100 to NA

# descriptive statistics

summary(MICSsimulated$GII) # descriptive statistics for GII

table(MICSsimulated$cd4) # frequency table of cd4