flowchart LR explained[explained why behavior was wrong] shouting
What Should Parents Do?
Positive and Negative Parental Discipline Behaviors And Child Outcomes Across 60 Countries
Parents raise their children in a variety of ways.
The objective of this study was to test the associations between 11 caregiver aggressive and nonaggressive discipline behaviors and outcomes (aggression and prosocial peer relations) of children under 5 in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Data came from the fourth (2009-2013) and fifth (2012-2017) rounds of the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).
Analyses were restricted to households with children under 5 years, leaving a sample of 229,465 respondents across 60 LMICs.
Data were analyzed using a statistical method known as Bayesian multilevel logistic regression.
Different forms of discipline had different effects.
Verbal reasoning (80%) and shouting (66%) were the most common parental discipline behaviors toward young children.
Psychological and physical aggression had similar effects.
Psychological and physical aggression were associated with higher child aggression.
Verbal reasoning was associated with lower aggression and higher prosocial peer relations.
Taking away privileges was associated with lower prosocial peer relations.
Results indicated some country-level variation in the associations between parenting behaviors and child socio-emotional outcomes.
However, the associations of discipline with child outcomes were still largely consistent across countries.
Psychological and physical aggression were disadvantageous for children’s socio-emotional development across countries.
Only verbal reasoning was associated with positive child socio-emotional development.
No form of psychological aggression or physical aggression benefited child socio-emotional development in any country.
Greater emphasis should be dedicated to reducing parental use of psychological and physical aggression across cultural contexts.
flowchart LR explained[explained why behavior was wrong] explained --> higherprosocial[higher prosocial peer relations] shouting --> higheraggression[higher aggression] spanking --> higheraggression takingawayprivileges[taking away privileges] --> lowerprosocial[lower prosocial peer relations]
flowchart LR shouting --> higheraggression[higher aggression] spanking --> higheraggression
flowchart LR explained[explained why behavior was wrong] --> loweraggression[lower aggression] explained --> higherprosocial[higher prosocial peer relations]
flowchart LR takingawayprivileges[taking away privileges] --> lowerprosocial[lower prosocial peer relations]
Citation: Ward, Kaitlin P, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Julie Ma, Garrett T Pace, and Shawna J Lee. 2023. “Associations Between 11 Parental Discipline Behaviors and Child Outcomes Across 60 Countries.” 13(10), BMJ Open, https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/10/e058439.